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Akihiro Morinaka

Prototype engineer, programmer


Akihiro Morinaka has curiosity to build team and develop its product and service as an Engineer, programmer, producer. 

Especially, in 2015, He made BeeSensing team which target is produce service product regarding beehive system to monitor its temperature and humidity, what is called IoT device. The purpose of monitoring these parameters are to save bees life and getting growth honey products productivity.

Now Akihiro is making IoT device and gadget toys using some cutting edge devices, raspberry pi, lighting devices, DMX, art-net tools and 3DCG application tools. In the future, I have a hope that these works would be spotlighted in the field of media art.  


I am very happy If you send a message to me. My another purpose is to connect with happy creators from all over the world. 

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